
Our Story

Hey there, let me tell you a little story about Routine5. It all started when our squad realized that forming a new habit is like trying to teach an old dog new tricks. You have to repeat it five times before it sticks! And we're not just talking about physical tricks here. Mental tricks count too. So, if you want to stop your TikTok addiction, try opening TikTok then close the app and switch to YouTube, do it five times. It sounds silly, but trust us, it works! It stop you when the next time you want to open TikTok (no offense TikTok, we love you too).

Our squad had a lightbulb moment – a whole lot of folks are grappling with spinning up and sticking with new habits, and it all boils down to a list of to-do and specific step-by-step instructions.

Now, don't get us wrong, old-school methods like books and articles have their perks and pack in a lot of helpful info. But let's face it, they often leave you hanging when it comes to a step-by-step game plan or tailored advice, making it a real head-scratcher to put those recommended routines into play.

Our app doesn't just talk the talk, it walks the walk. We're serving up step-by-step instructions, voice guidance, and feedback forms to keep you on the ball, making the whole habit-building gig a walk in the park. Plus, you can search for and tailor top-notch routines to match your mojo, and even pass them on to your buddies.

Let me spill the beans on another cool aspect of Routine5. Picture this: we're on a mission to craft a treasure trove of routines and habits that anyone can grab and tweak to their liking. Just pop into the app, hunt for the routine you're eyeing, give it a spin, and then drop your feedback. And if by some chance you don't find what you're looking for, no sweat! You can whip up a routine yourself.

We're talking about everything under the sun - from simple stuff like learning how to breathe right, or your go-to calming techniques, to your a.m. routine. Heck, we even have a place for super detailed, long-haul checklists (think hundreds of steps) for your super crucial tasks. Like, say, updating software that's spread out across 500+ locations with thousands of users and is intertwined with multiple applications, and needs to run smoother than a hot knife through butter. You know, just everyday stuff like that.

We're not saying Routine5 is a miracle worker, but it definitely helps. With step-by-step guidance and personalized routines, you'll have the support you need to form those good habits and break the bad ones.

Plus, with a name like Routine5, you know it's gotta be good. We're all about the five times rule, baby! Give it a try and see how it can help you train yourself to be the best dog - er, human - you can be.