chenri / 3 Minutes Alarm for 1 Hour

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1:00:00 1 steps 6 February 2024 16:05:00

The #3MinsAlarm routine is built based on Parkinson's Law which states that "work expands to fill the time available for its completion." The more time you give for a task the longer it takes to complete, while you can limit your time to get the same task done in a shorter time. This 3 mins alarm helps for

  1. Counteracting Procrastination: The routine counters the natural tendency to let work expand by imposing strict check-ins every 3 minutes. This keeps the task at hand in tight focus, discouraging unnecessary expansion of time spent on tasks.
  2. Enhanced Productivity: By regularly reminding yourself of the time passing, you're compelled to use each segment of time efficiently, aligning with Parkinson's Law by restricting the tendency for tasks to balloon in complexity and duration.
  3. Continuous Engagement: The routine ensures consistent engagement with the task, preventing the mind from wandering and keeping the scope of the work tightly controlled, thus making your work time more productive and directed. You don't get to open Social Media cause you're on a deadline.

Incorporating the principles of Parkinson's Law with the #3MinsAlarm routine creates a powerful synergy for maximizing efficiency, ensuring that time is a resource that is consciously managed and effectively utilized.

Step 1 — 3 Minutes
03:00 20x

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