chenri / Daily Planning

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13:00 6 steps 25 October 2023 09:07:33

Start your daily routine by reviewing your goals, write your previous activities, review what works, can be eliminated/automated, or should be changed, Set what you want to do, put it in calendar and breakdown the tasks.

  1. Review Goals: write down your goals to remind yourself of what you want to achieve and the purpose behind your routine.
  2. Write your previous day activity: see how much time you spend for each activities, evaluate what worked well and what didn't. Consider adjustments and ways to automate tasks for better efficiency, delegate or even stop doing them altogether, or allocate more time into it.
  3. Set Big Tasks for today: tasks you need to complete to achieve your goals,
  4. Put into calendar: allocate time in your calendar for these tasks, ensuring dedicated blocks to focus on them.
  5. Breakdown each tasks: Take a few minutes to further break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps, or think things through what steps you need to do for each tasks to make sure they can be completed, like a checklist.

By following this routine, you can review goals, track progress, make necessary adjustments, and effectively plan tasks for the day, increasing productivity and ensuring you are working towards your desired outcomes efficiently.


Step 1 — Review Goal and Routine
01:00 1x

Review your written goal and the routines you've done today/yesterday

Step 2 — Write Previous activity
03:00 1x

Write the time of start, end, duration and activity, example 8-9: 1h - random stuff

Step 3 — Evaluate What Work/Not: Adjust or Automate
03:00 1x

Each activity: did it work/not, was it fun/enjoyable, can you adjust it to make it better, automate it or maybe never do that again/avoid

Step 4 — Set Big Tasks
02:00 1x

Based on Goals and previous activities, what are the Big Tasks that can help you achieve the goal that can be done To9day

Step 5 — Put in Calendar
01:00 1x

Put the big and small tasks into calendar: allocate the time set the order and group the tasks

Step 6 — Breakdown Big Tasks into smaller to-do
03:00 1x

You need to thing ahead ahat you actually need to do to complete or make progress in each big tasks, put it in the calendar or other notes

Review & Discussion

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