chenri / Morning Routine

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15:10 5 steps 25 October 2023 09:09:05

My Personal Morning Routine is to be completed in 20 minutes

  1. Wash Face and Change Clothes
  2. Drink Water & Take Supplements: 2 Big Glass of Water and Fish Oil, Olive Oil, MCT Oil, Prostakur, or Serrapeptase
  3. Light Walk in the neighbourhood for 15 minutes which is split into 3 parts, 5 minutes each
    1. Square Box Breathing
    2. Just Relaxing and enjoy the surrounding view
    3. Be grateful


Step 1 — Wash Face and Change Clothes
03:00 1x

Step 2 — Drink Water & Take Supplement
02:00 1x

Step 3 — Walk & Square Box Breathing
00:10 32x

Step 4 — Walk, See & Relax
05:00 1x

Step 5 — Walk & Be Grateful
05:00 1x

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