chenri / Sprint 8 Workout

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20:30 17 steps 25 October 2023 09:06:46

Sprint 8 is a highly efficient anaerobic exercise strategy that boosts your metabolism and helps you burn fat effectively. In essence, it alternates between periods of high-intensity sprinting and lower-intensity recovery.

  1. Warm-Up (3-5 minutes): Begin with a light warm-up, slowly increasing the intensity to prepare your body for the workout.
  2. Sprint (30 seconds): Then, pedal as fast and hard as you can for about 30 seconds. You should be aiming to reach your maximum effort.
  3. Recover (90 seconds): Slow down and pedal at a slower pace for about 90 seconds. This is your recovery period.
  4. Repeat Sprint & Recover 8 times: Repeat the sprint and recovery phases for a total of 8 cycles.
  5. Cool-Down (2-3 minutes): Finally, end your workout with a cool-down period, pedaling at a light pace to help your body recover.

This form of HIIT is not only time-efficient, but it also improves your cardiovascular health, boosts your metabolism, and aids in fat loss.

The magic number is 8 which will start to triggerRemember to consult with a healthcare or fitness professional before beginning any new exercise regimen to ensure it's appropriate for your current fitness level and health conditions.

#workout #hiit #sprint8 #highintensity #fitness

Step 1 — Warming up
03:00 1x

Pedal lightly

Step 2 — Sprint fast
00:30 1x

Pedal as fast and as strong as you can

Step 3 — Light break
01:30 1x

Pedal lightly and feel how your heartbeat get slower

Step 4 — Sprint Fast
00:30 1x

Step 5 — Light mode
01:30 1x

Pedal lightly

Step 6 — Sprint Fast
00:30 1x

Step 7 — Light mode
01:30 1x

Step 8 — Sprint Fast
00:30 1x

Step 9 — Light mode
01:30 1x

Step 10 — Sprint Fast
00:30 1x

Step 11 — Light mode
01:30 1x

Step 12 — Sprint Fast
00:30 1x

Step 13 — Light mode
01:30 1x

Step 14 — Sprint fast
00:30 1x

Step 15 — Light mode
01:30 1x

Step 16 — Sprint fast
00:30 1x

Step 17 — Warming down
03:00 1x

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