chenri / Square Box Breathing

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04:40 4 steps 25 October 2023 09:07:08

Square Box Breathing, also known as Four-Square Breathing, is a powerful yet simple relaxation technique that aims to return breathing to its normal rhythm. This method is especially useful in stressful situations, helping to calm the nervous system and keep the mind clear and focused.

Here's a brief rundown:

  1. Inhale (10 seconds): Slowly and deeply inhale through your nose for a count of 10, filling your lungs fully with air.
  2. Hold (10 seconds): Hold your breath for a count of 10.
  3. Exhale (10 seconds): Slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of 10, emptying your lungs entirely.
  4. Hold (10 seconds): Hold your breath while you have emptied your lung for another count of 10.

Repeat this pattern for 7 times, around 5 minutes, or until you feel calm and relaxed. You can also modify it to be 4 seconds for each step. Make sure to use chest and stomach movement: breath in through nose then push your stomach out and enlarge your lung and when breath out through nose then pull the stomach in and compress your lung

This technique is widely utilized by various groups across the world. The US Navy SEALs, for example, employ this method to stay calm and focused in challenging situations. Likewise, ancient Chinese martial artists and Hindu yogis have long recognized the power of controlled breathing. They believed that proper breath control could not only improve physical health and martial prowess, but also bring mental clarity and spiritual enlightenment.

By practicing Square Box Breathing, you're tapping into centuries of wisdom and proven techniques for enhancing concentration, controlling stress responses, and achieving inner peace. Always remember to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any health concerns before beginning new wellness practices.

#breathing #squarebreathing #sealbreathing

Step 1 — Inhale
00:10 1x

Step 2 — Hold Breath
00:10 1x

Step 3 — Exhale
00:10 1x

Step 4 — Hold Empty
00:10 1x

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