chenri / Sun Moon Breathing

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02:20 4 steps 25 October 2023 08:51:22

The right nostril is considered the sun, and the left nostril is the moon, the sun contribute to physical and the moon contribute to the mind

This breathing help for

  1. Clearing clodged nostril, my left nostril frequently a bit clodged, and doing this ease them
  2. Calming mind because you need to focus on the breathing

The idea is to inhale through one nostril while closing up the other nostril using your finger index/thumb, then exhale through the other one, example inhale from right nostril, exhale from left nostril, inhale from left nostril and exhale from right nostril. You can close the left nostril using right index finger and right nostril using the right thumb, but any other ways also work.


  1. Inhale from right nostril - close left nostril using right index finger
  2. Exhale from left nostril - switch the finger by closing right nostril using right thumb and open up the left nostril
  3. Inhale from left nostril
  4. Exhale from right nostril - switch the finger by closing left nostril using right index finger and open up the right nostril

#breathing #sunmoonbreathing #pranayama #suryachandra

Step 1 — Inhale from Right Nostril
00:07 1x

Step 2 — Exhale from Left Nostril
00:07 1x

Step 3 — Inhale from Left Nostril
00:07 1x

Step 4 — Exhale from Right Nostril
00:07 1x

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