chenri / Weekly Routine


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44:00 9 steps 25 October 2023 09:02:18

The Weekly Routine is a comprehensive plan that aids in personal goal tracking and life progress. This routine can typically be completed within an hour and serves as a roadmap for achieving goals, celebrating accomplishments, and learning from missed targets.

Here's how it works:

  1. Goal Setting: Write down your objectives for the week. These can be big or small, related to personal growth or professional advancement.
  2. Celebrate Wins: Acknowledge all your accomplishments in the past week, no matter how minor or major. These could be anything from completing a task ahead of time to learning a new skill. Celebrating boosts your motivation and momentum.
  3. Review Failures & Learning: Reflect on tasks you didn't accomplish or areas where you fell short. Rather than viewing these as negatives, consider them opportunities for learning and improvement.
  4. Goal Assessment: Review your goals in light of the week's successes and failures. Are you on track to meet them? If not, identify what needs to change to get closer to your targets.
  5. Create To-Do Lists: Based on the above steps, compile two lists - one for major tasks and another for minor tasks that need to be accomplished in the upcoming week.
  6. Put into Calendar: Finally, integrate your to-do lists into your weekly calendar.
  7. Elaborate on each task by including the necessary steps or resources in the event description.

By following this Weekly Routine, you can keep track of your progress, make necessary adjustments along the way, and stay on course to achieve your goals. It instills a sense of accomplishment and helps you maintain focus and momentum in your personal and professional life.


Step 1 — Preparation: data, web, blog
05:00 1x

Step 2 — Write goal
03:00 1x

Step 3 — Celebrate
05:00 1x

Step 4 — Fail and Learned
05:00 1x

Step 5 — Review Goal and Next Outcome
05:00 1x

Step 6 — Big Tasks
03:00 1x

Step 7 — Small Tasks
03:00 1x

Step 8 — Put into google calendar
05:00 1x

Step 9 — Breakdown task for each task
10:00 1x

Review & Discussion

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