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See what the Routine5 community is most excited about these days

Big Six Lymph Draining

[{"insert":"Based on Dr Perry Nickelston (youtube), the idea is to drain lymph from the lowest pressure to the highest pressure, or if you drain a pipe you clean up the output area first because if the output area is clogged, you can't flush the...
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Power Nap 15 mins

[{"insert":"Ah, the beauty of a Power Nap is in its flexibility. You don't need a full-on bed to reap its benefits. It's all about finding a comfortable spot where you can relax for those precious 15 minutes. That could be a cozy sofa, a plush...
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Weekly Routine

[{"insert":"The Weekly Routine is a comprehensive plan that aids in personal goal tracking and life progress. This routine can typically be completed within an hour and serves as a roadmap for achieving goals, celebrating accomplishments, and...
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[{"insert":"Pomodoro is a time management method that encourages cycles of intense focus and short breaks to boost productivity. According to some studies, our ability to maintain high-intensity focus tends to dwindle after about 30...
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Sprint 8 Workout

[{"insert":"Sprint 8 is a highly efficient anaerobic exercise strategy that boosts your metabolism and helps you burn fat effectively. In essence, it alternates between periods of high-intensity sprinting and lower-intensity...
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Cooking Fried Rice

[{"insert":"How to cook fried rice better\n"},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"#cook"},{"insert":"\n"}]
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Square Box Breathing

[{"insert":"Square Box Breathing, also known as Four-Square Breathing, is a powerful yet simple relaxation technique that aims to return breathing to its normal rhythm. This method is especially useful in stressful situations, helping to calm the...
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Reset Vagus Nerve

[{"insert":"Resetting the Vagus Nerve through Yawning is an interesting and simple technique with potential health benefits. The vagus nerve plays a significant role in the body's autonomic nervous system, affecting mood, immune response, digestion,...
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Daily Planning

[{"insert":"Start your daily routine by reviewing your goals, write your previous activities, review what works, can be eliminated/automated, or should be changed, Set what you want to do, put it in calendar and breakdown the...
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Deepwork Pomodoro Plus

[{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Deepwork Pomodoro Plus"},{"insert":" is a modified and enhanced version of the popular productivity technique, designed to help you delve deeper into your work, maximize your productivity, and refine your...
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Cooling breathing

[{"insert":"This breathing aimed to cool the body,\nI had 3 of my own experiences with this\na sore throat for 3 days and it's not getting better, I wake with a foul smell in my throat, and all day long, have gargle with salt water, gargle with...
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90 Minutes Focus with White Noise

[{"insert":"\"90-Minute Focus with White Noise\" is a technique designed to boost your productivity and reduce distractions, helping you dive deep into your tasks at hand. \nHere's how it...
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Morning Routine

[{"insert":"My Personal Morning Routine is to be completed in 20 minutes\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Wash Face and Change Clothes"},{"attributes":{"list":"ordered"},"insert":"\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Drink Water &...
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Daily Sadhana Routine

[{"insert":"3 times balancing Sadhana and cardio\n\n"}]
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Sun Moon Breathing

[{"insert":"The right nostril is considered the sun, and the left nostril is the moon, the sun contribute to physical and the moon contribute to the mind\nThis breathing help for\nClearing clodged nostril, my left nostril frequently a bit clodged,...
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Morning Routine Omega

[{"insert":"My personal ideal morning routine\nPray"},{"insert":"\n","attributes":{"list":"ordered"}},{"insert":"Breathing exercise"},{"insert":"\n","attributes":{"list":"ordered"}},{"insert":"Wash...
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5x Routine

[{"insert":"Starting a new routine and Picking up a routine after a hiatus is often the most challenging part. The \"x5 Routine Rehearsal\" method facilitates this process by simulating the routine five times, either mentally (visualizing the...
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3 Minutes Alarm for 1 Hour

[{"insert":"The "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"#3MinsAlarm"},{"insert":" routine is built based on Parkinson's Law which states that \""},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"work expands to fill the time...
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Buteyko Breathing

[{"insert":"Struggling with brain fog or fatigue? A simple breathing technique could offer relief, especially for those with lingering COVID symptoms. Even if dietary changes like keto aren't effective, this method may help. This method leverages...
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